Rewrite src attributes of img element by scroll event.
You write lazy image URL and original image URL in data attribute of the img element.
You need jQuery 3 + to run this script.

This script was created to easily implement Lazy-Load with Wordpress.

Hot to Use 🤧

At first, read jQuery and lazy-load just before the end of <body> tag.
A jQuery version of 3 or higher is recommended.

<script src="jquery.js"></script>
<script src="lazy-out.js"></script>

Next, write the necessary items in the data attribute of <img>.

data-orig-file URL of the original-image
data-lazy-src URL of the Lazy-image
data-orig-size size of the original-image

data-orig-size will work without filling in.
In this case, it is displayed in the size of the image to be read at the beginning.

data-lazy-src="img/photo-lazy.jpg" >


When the page loads it looks like this in DOM,

<img class="lazy" src="img/photo-lazy.jpg" width="1200" height="588">

If src is specified for<img>it will be deleted.

When img scrolls to the threshold-level,

<img class="lazy-done" src="img/photo-original.jpg" width="1200" height="588">

Setting 🤧

JSON for setting is written at the head of lazy-load.js.

Name Type Default Description
lazySrc string lazy-src data attribute name of Lazy image URL
originalSrc string orig-file data attribute name of original image URL
originalSize string orig-size data attribute name of priginal image size
threshold numeric 300 threshold level from page-top

In Wordpress use 🤧

For images in articles, data attributes are automatically written by using Lazy Load of Jetpack.

On other pages (eg article list loop) you can implement URL by writing it to data attributes, by PHP.


data-orig-file="<? echo get_the_post_thumbnail_url(get_the_ID(), 'large'); ?>"
data-lazy-src="<? echo get_the_post_thumbnail_url(get_the_ID(), 'thumbnail'); ?>" >

With wp_get_attachment_image_src you can also get the thumbnail size fordata-orig-size.

Demo 🤧

Impressions 🙇

I am amateur with regard to JS.
Please tell me if there is a better way.
Also, I am bad at English

thank you